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Companies building Technical products or Applications

You are processing personal data from regular individuals via technical products or apps, or you are building an application for a client, related to the personal data they have collected. 

You have expertise and deep technical knowledge on the know-how of the product, but you seek certainty about if the technical implementations fall within the legal scope. 



When considering data protection requirements for building technical products or apps, the most important thing is understanding what is agreed with the data processor on one hand, and what falls under consent or legitimate interest on the other. 


The main contractual challenge for companies building technical products and apps for customers is knowing what falls under data protection laws and requirements, and what is a negotiation tactics from the counter party. 

Product and data

Legal scope 

Data subjects





We will dive into the type of application or product that is going to be built, and what type of personal data it will collect.

We review and consider the set or negotiated scope in your agreements, and material possibilities in the company. 

We look at what is needed for consent or transparency towards data subjects. 

We compile a checklist of technical and organisational security measures and assess risks. We understand if personal data is, or must be, pseudonymised, and on what level.

We draft internal documentation and checklist to follow. 

We look at the processing within the organisation, roles and responsibilities, and train staff accordingly.

At least annually we review everything we have in place and adjust accordingly. 



Book a clarity session and get expert instructions on DIY-data protection with templates. 



Set up confident, to grow further, understand risks, and monitor via our software.

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Your own DPO, available and accessible, as if one of your own employees.

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